Saturday, June 25, 2011

Introduction to Buying Stocks: Picking a Broker

    You've decided to learn how to buy stocks and save up some money for your retirement or whatever. Good for you, congratulations!

     Buying stocks in the past used to be shrouded in mystery, something the average lay person could never learn how to do. Only a specialized few could do it and if you wanted to buy stocks, you handed your money over to a broker, made your requests and spent a lot of time on the telephone, usually trying to chase the guy down!

    Not anymore! Today buying stocks is a rapidly growing and exciting field for newcomers (due primarily to e-trading on the internet, yayyy!) and obviously, as more and more people realize they can do it themselves, folks like you (and me) are jumping in, money in fist, ready to beat the 1 to 3% interest offered by savings accounts and money market accounts at your bank or credit union.

     TV personalities like Suzy Orman and Jim Cramer have been preaching for years that you don't need a hedge fund or money broker, that "you can do it yourself!" Indeed you can.
     The dirty little secret is, you can find out all you need to know about money markets in just a few weeks or even a few days. As soon as I say that, I hear gufaws and rightly so! Because learning about the money market follows this simple rule: Easy to learn, a lifetime to master.

     It's a bit like swimming, or playing golf, or any other sport or activity for that matter. You have to educate yourself enough not to drown right away, but then you jump in (in the shallow end of the pool, right?), swim around a bit, and then educate yourself more as you go along.

     Believe me, no matter how old you are, teenager or grandpa, you can do this.

     Before we get started, one simple but important rule: While you're learning, NEVER INVEST MORE THAN YOU CAN AFFORD TO LOSE!

     The key here is, while you're just starting out, you're not stupid (else you wouldn't be here), but you are ignorant. You need to learn the game. And while you're learning, YOU WILL LOSE SOME MONEY!

     In fact, losing money is easy. Even the pros do that, with some regularity. And you will, too. Got it? As a beginner, as a novice, it's inevitable: You will lose some money as you move along, guaranteed.

     If you can't afford to lose at least a little money, put your money into a savings account or into the mattress of your bed. It's that simple.

     Assuming you will lose some money initially (and later, too, from time to time) we can now move forward in our quest to MAKE MONEY!


     How do we buy stock? Assuming you have a computer (you're reading this on a PC, I hope) we open an e-trade account, which is very much the same as a bank or checking account. In fact a lot of e-trade services have regular checking accounts, savings accounts, IRA's etc.

     But let's assume you have a seperate checking &/or savings account in a bank or credit union somewhere. When you open up our stock e-trade account, we will then connect to our regular checking &/or savings account to the e-trade account, which we will funnel money into. Much like paying your bills on line.

     Unless we're setting up our e-trade account as our primary checking account, we'll be feeding money into the Stock account, via the main checking account we use. After we buy some stock we like, we'll be feeding monies into our stocks as time goes by, probably for the rest of our lives!

     Because simply put, our stocks will become our secondary and maybe even our primary savings account. A savings account with dividends and interest no bank or credit union can even get close to matching!

     Ok, let's get started. First, we have to pick a broker service.

     Obviously there are many servies to choose from. First, there are full service brokerage firms like Merrill-Lynch or Wells Fargo, who will be glad to advise you and give you (sometimes good) recommendations, as well as charge you as much as $35 to $100 per transaction! Some firms even charge a percentage of what you buy, which, if you put in thousands of dollars, can really be expensive.

     There's a better way. On line accounts like TDAmeritrade, Scottrade, Charles Schwab, Fidelity, Sharebuildre, Ameritrade, E-trade, Vanguard, etc. can offer you trading services as low as $3.99 a transaction with an average of about $10 a trade.

     We like TDAmeritrade. It offers a full range of services and some pretty good research tools at $9.99 per transaction. With $2000 start up, we get 30 free days of transactions as we get going, which many of the services offer as well.

     We're not advocating any of these services. Do a little research and pick the best one for you. If you need a little help, go to or go to Google and type in "best e-brokers" and see what pops up.

     You pick your stock broker and now you're ready to jump in.

     Opening the account will probably include the e-trader having to send a small amount of money into and then out of your checking account (usually a few pennies) just to see if the path is valid and reliable. This will take a few days.

     If you've decided to open up an IRA account at the e-trade site, just remember you won't be able to take that money out until your 59 and 1/2 years old without significant penalties. Otherwise you'll be opening a regualr account, which we'll be paying taxes on at the end of the year. We'll talk more about that later, but it's important to know. 

     In the meantime, this might be a good time to do a little background reading. Nothing too heady or you'll get discouraged. Mad Money's Jim Cramer books are pretty good to get started. William O'Neil's book's are highly rated.

     Get acquaintd with some of the newsletters. Barron's. Standard & Poor's. Investment Business Daily. And of course, the Wall Street Journal.

     If you don't understand most of what you read, don't worry about it. Eventually you will.

     You're starting a garden here and right now, you're picking a piece of ground, preparing the soil, and getting ready to plant some seeds. We haven't picked out the seeds yet, we're just getting the ground ready.

    Ready to make some money!

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